
​The Singing Sensations Youth Choir is a non-profit organization that raises the majority of its revenue through donations and fundraisers.
We are a 501c3 organization and all donations are tax deductible. Checks can be made out to "Singing Sensations" and sent to PO Box 533, Randallstown, Maryland 21133. Your name or business would also go in our souvenir book that we produce for our Grammy Awards at the end of each choir season.
Many of the talented youth on this choir come from families who could really use some support. Would you please consider sponsoring a child or donating to him/her? Even $5 could buy them a tie or earrings. It saddens us to think that these kids with SO MUCH potential won't be able to benefit from this experience because of finances. EVERY LITTLE BIT HELPS!
Big Ticket Items:
• Girls Concert Gown - $80
• Boys Tuxedo - $135 (includes suit, vest, shirt,
 cummerbund and bow tie)
• Dues Payment - $50 monthly or 1-time sponsorship
• Skirt and blouse set - $50
Smaller Items:
• Singing Sensations Travel Sweat Suit - $30
• Singing Sensations Travel Garment Bag - $15 (plus
embroidery fee)
• Singing Sensations Tshirt - $10
• Pearl Set - $13 (includes bracelet, earrings and necklace)

Incentive Program:
​We reward kids who show faithfulness, good behavior, good grades, etc.
• $5 fast food restaurant gift cards
• $10 store gift cards
• Movie Coupons
Choir Sponsorship:
Sponsor us in concert at your local event or have us simply come to sing. All proceeds from engagements go toward defraying the costs of our tours.